
Regular Savings

This account has a $100.00 minimum balance to avoid a monthly service charge. Interest at a variable rate is paid monthly. This account provides you with a monthly statement showing transactions, deposits, withdrawals, and interest earnings.

Money Market

GET A GREAT RATE WITH EASY ACCESS, AND THERE'S NO RISK. The Money Market Account offers a high, competitive rate of interest, yet is fully insured, and you have immediate access to your funds.

The Money Market account is designed for customers who want to earn additional interest compared to the Regular Savings account. A service charge will be imposed every month if the daily balance in the account falls below $2,500.00 any day of the month.

The Bank of Milton Money Market Account offers you:

  • Higher interest rate.
  • FDIC insurance (protects principal and interest to $250,000)
  • Direct deposit of payroll or Social Security checks
  • Convenient withdrawals, deposits and inter-account transfers*
  • No market risk - unlike money market mutual funds, your principal is guaranteed never to go down


The Bank of Milton Money Market Account offers a premium money market return, which is competitive with the highest yielding money market funds in the area.

Christmas Club

Our Christmas Club savings account will help you plan ahead for the holidays. Participants make deposits each week that can range from $.50 to $100.00. Interest is variable and is paid annually. Withdrawals are not allowed until the designated disbursement date, which is prior to the holiday season.

Certificate of Deposit

Our Bank offers a variety of Certificates ranging in maturity from 3 months to 5 years. These Certificates of Deposit earn interest at a fixed rate and have a definite maturity date.

All time deposits are subject to penalties for early withdrawals. All deposits are insured to $250,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Contact us for our current rates.


Need a way to keep large deposit amounts safe? CDARS offers a means to receive multi-million dollar FDIC protection through the Bank of Milton. It is a valuable cash management tool.

How does CDARS work?

CDARS provides the Bank of Milton membership to a special network of other banks. When you deposit a large amount with us, CDARS gives us the ability to place your funds into certificates of deposit issued by other banks within the network, in increments less than $250,000, so that both your principal and interest are eligible for complete FDIC protection.


  • Safety - You can receive multi-million dollar FDIC insurance on your CD investments.
  • One Relationship - You work directly with the Bank of Milton, earn one interest rate, and receive one regular statement.
  • Community Investment - The full value of your money can support lending opportunities in your local community.
  • CD Rates - Your money earns CD-level returns, which may compare favorably with other investment alternatives, such as Treasuries and money market funds.

CDARS is a registered service mark of Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC.

Individual Retirement Account

We understand the importance of financial security and retirement planning. That is why we offer many types of Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) to plan for the long term. The following plans are available:

  • Traditional IRA
  • Roth IRA
  • Educational IRA
  • Sep IRA

Each plan offers different tax advantages. We're here to help decide which plan is best suited for you.

All of our IRAs are invested in Certificates of Deposit, and are therefore are FDIC insured. We offer competitive rates.

Contact us for our current rates.

Current Interest Rates

For information about our rates, please contact us at (608) 868-7672 or 608-884-9622.